fredag 30 november 2007

Ett vackert Adventkort

Tusen Tack GUNNEL för det vackra Adventkortet!
GUNNEL sent me this beautiful Advent card.

tisdag 27 november 2007

Lovely mail from Lenna

I received my Pay It Forward gift from CREATIVE LENNA. I got a lovely ribbon sachet, Thank you Lenna! It´s lovely and smells so good. You can read about ribbon sachet on Lennas blog.

She also sent me a lots of great collage items!!

It´s so fun to get this kind of mail. Thank you so much, Lenna!

fredag 23 november 2007

Silk chiffon

A scarf felteed with Merino wool and Tussah silk,
I felted it on Silk chiffon.

I put the wool on the chiffon and then felting it using bubble plastic.

torsdag 22 november 2007

Multicoloured scarf

Rainbow combed merino, with 40% silk, multicoloured,
beautiful shiny quality.

I feelted it using bubble plastic .

I will use it as a scarf, it´s soft and nice.

Silk fibers, Hankies

Hankies kallas kokonger av mullbärssilke.
This is what the hankies look like when I have feelted them,
I have not decided yet what I will do with them.

onsdag 21 november 2007

Pepparkaksbak eller...

Nålfiltning med kardad ull, regnbågsfärgad merinoull, silke fiber och angelina fiber en syntetisk metallfiber som man kan blanda i för att få en glittrande effekt men som gör det väldigt svårt att fotografera och att få fram dom rätta färgerna.

This is needlefelted, I have used carded wool, rainbow dyed merinowool, silk fibers and some angelina fibers to give it some sparkling effect, but angelina fibers makes it difficult to take a photo and show the right colors.

onsdag 14 november 2007

"You can never have too much chocolate"...
A small bag to keep the candy in.

Ett collage av små "tittskåp" och ett hjärta.

Nu har jag tre personer som vill ha en handgjord present av mig, får se vad jag hittar på...
I now have three people that want a handmade gift from me, Thank you!!
Det är TRICIA,
och CLARA.

Lovely mail from Australia!

I got two lovely ATC-cards from DOREEN

They are really beautiful!! Thank you Doreen!!

måndag 12 november 2007

Julkort, Postcards

Nu har jag börjat med julkorten här är dom första...

lördag 10 november 2007

Nu börjar jag julpyssla lite...

Här är början till julkort
filt, band, ull, glittertråd.

tisdag 6 november 2007

Blandat material

En mix med blandat material, paljetter, pärlor, tråd,
handfärgad mullbärsbark, folie, ull, silkefiber mm.

Av mixen med blandat material gjorde jag två kort 10x15cm.

söndag 4 november 2007

Blandat material

Silkesstänger har jag använt till blomman, silkesstängerna har jag delat i två tunnare delar, format och sytt fast på kardad ull, med lite påsydda pärlor.
Nålfiltad handfärgad bambufibrer i pastellfärger.

I have used silk carrier rods, that I have formed as a flower while stitching it on the wool, then I needle felted hand dyed bamboo fibers.

torsdag 1 november 2007

Pay it Forward! Vem vill ha en present?

~ November 14, nu har jag tre som vill ha en liten handgjord gåva av mig, Tack.

Vill någon ha en handgjord gåva av mig?
Vill du det, lämna en kommentar här. De tre första kommer att få ett paket med någonting som jag gjort. Allt du behöver göra är att skicka vidare genom att lova samma sak på din blogg!

~ November 14, I now have three people that want a handmade gift from me, Thank you!!

I was visiting Lenna Andrews Blog – CREATIVE LENNA and saw this interesting post entitled Pay It Forward. This is a giving idea and I signed up for it. This little handmade gift idea seemed to me to be a way to combine two of my favorite things, crafting and giving.

Pay It Forward – This is how it works: I will make three small handcrafted items, one for each of the first three people who would also like to do this challenge and announce it on their blogs, thus paying it forward. The first three comments left on this post, expressing an interest to volunteer to take this challenge, will continue the deed of kindness and receive a gift from me!

To participate

1. Comment on this post, expressing your wish to participate in "Pay it Forward". I will contact the first three responders for your mailing address so I can send you your giftie. Make sure I have your email! If I can't contact you, I won't be able to include you :

2. The first 3 to comment here who I can contact, will receive a little handmade gift from me.

3. The first three who comment here will post this message on their own blog, and offer three more small gifts, handmade by them. You will be making one gift for each of the first three people who comment on your post, who in turn will go ahead and announce this idea on their blog and then make gifts for the first three people that sign up with them!

~ On & on the cycle continues . . . . . everyone has fun - plus there is beautiful art to enjoy & display in your home and cool mail to anticipate and open!

I hope that you will join me in spreading a little handmade love! Now to get busy & make 3 litle gifts! : )

Blue and Lovely

I have got mail from Israel.
A lovely ATC-card that BINA made using beautiful colors
and a mix of different material - wool, sari silk yarn, angelina, tulle.
More of Binas lovely work on Flickr BINA

She also sent me some lovely material.
I will try to make a card using the beautiful material.
"Because you like blue, I give this to you"
Thankyou Bina!

My messy cover

I made a cover to have some of my paper and fabric stuff in.
I just used som pieces of fabric that I had colored and tested some stamping on.

Front of the cover.
The quote says "Friends are kisses blown to us by angels".

Back of the cover.
I have printed the ribbon on my inkjet printer and the quote says
"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower"
~Albert Camus

This is the inside where I have tested different stamping.
I made the stamps myself it´s different sayings in Swedish.

I get so lovely post

I have got 3 lovely ATC-cards
from Canada, Norway and USA, it´s so great to
get this kind of post in the mailbox :)
The cards are really beautiful! Thanks lot!

This is a needlfelted card from DEBRA
To see more of Debras photos click on the name.

A needlefelted card from ATI
To see more of Atis photos click on the name.

This is a painted card from IVA
To see more of Ivas photos click on the name.